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Family is a Gift is our community’s advocacy that aims to strengthen the family through promoting family values and the CFC lifestyle. SFC believes that family is God’s Masterpiece, the most important gift given to us by God. It is the reflection of the overflowing love of the Holy Trinity, allowing us to experience the truest form of love here on earth. With the attacks surrounding family, the value of this gift moves us to protect and empower this nucleus of society at all costs.

In a world that is so busy where people prefer everything in an instant, where even in relationships we try to make it instant. We have missed most of the essential processes/stages in building a relationship. How many of us still believe in courtship?

Let’s listen to the stories of our Tito PJ and Ate Abi of Family is a Gift about their stories of courtship and know why “Ligaw” is still essential.

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