Anchor Verse:
“For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so
we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Since we have
gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them.” Romans 12:4-6 NABRE
Key Messages:
1. Faith is our response to God’s invitation to a fullness of life in Him. Our relationship with Jesus brings us closer to the realization of His Father’s will. “In faith, Christ is not simply the one in whom we believe, the supreme manifestation of God’s love; he is also the one with whom we are united precisely in order to believe. Faith does not merely gaze at Jesus, but sees things as Jesus himself sees them, with his own eyes: it is a participation in his way of seeing. (Lumen Fidei 18)'
2. Walking with single men and women entails meeting them where they are, in their
realities in life, like how Jesus called His disciples. “Three verbs from the Gospel, which
describe the way Jesus encountered the people of his time, can be of assistance in
adopting this pastoral style: ‘going out’, ‘seeing’ and ‘calling.’ (Vatican)” Young Catholic
leaders must go out of their way to know their members, their desires and their dreams
to be able to establish friendships with them, and journey with them as they discover the
path to their vocation.
3. “Amid the variety of our charisms, we are called to listen to one another and to journey
together in order to acknowledge them and to discern where the Spirit is leading us for
the benefit of all. (Pope Francis)” It is not enough that leaders know their members. It is
also important to listen to their stories to know where the Lord is leading them. This
entails having the ability to listen and learning the sensitivities to do it well.