The session tackles the conflicts that arise among friends and family members and presents valuable ways in managing and resolving conflicts to preserve a healthy relationship.
The session tackles the conflicts that arise among friends and family members and presents valuable ways in managing and resolving conflicts to preserve a healthy relationship.
The session explains the common phases modern-day singles go through in life and the relative actions and behaviour exhibited during these phases. Likewise, the session discusses the essence of discernment in living through these phases and in determining life-changing decisions and courses of actions.
The session explains the character of resilience, the important role it plays in facing challenges and obstacles in life, and how it leads one to triumph amid torment and heartbreak.
The session elaborates on the two faces – the upside and
downside – of using social media or having a social media
presence and provides key points on how to maintain a healthy social-emotional state at this digital age.
The session defines how the study and appreciation of the Theology of the Body brings forth healing of wounds from pastexperiences and helps one to move forward, pursue and find wholeness, and live fully.